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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Just sit back and watch these keystone kops in action. Donald the Duck is involved in DOZENS of real scandals. Joe Biden?

Just sit back and watch these keystone kops in action. Donald the Duck is involved in DOZENS of real scandals. Joe Biden?

Well Donald the Duck and his useful idiot lemmings have tried FOR YEARS to find something..anything..ONE THING and they can't.

They ignore their own filth their own droppings their own poop which they are drowing in to find one speck of dust sometwhere anywhere to hit Joe with.

I dunno bout chu but it really shows the degrees of heightened desperation along with the depth of inept incompetent incoherent indigence. Go figger.

They run around with the heads cut off like ants scurrying hurrying worrying. Off they go to europe to dig up a scandal. Off they go to russia or china or japan or timbuctoo. Lots of them being paid for by we the people to find a lick a stump a toenail clipping. Unfriggin' believable.

Posted - September 18, 2020
