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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Donald the Duck clucks yucks bucks mucks pucks. Same old lie. DEMS WILL CONFISCATE YOUR GUNS. Really? Promise?

Donald the Duck clucks yucks bucks mucks pucks. Same old lie. DEMS WILL CONFISCATE YOUR GUNS. Really? Promise?

Well President Barack Obama (the guy Donald the Duck hates more than he hate anyone due to envy/jealousy) was PRESIDENT FOR EIGHT YEARS. You still have your guns. So if what Donald the Duck says is true why is that? Why didn't PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA WHO HAD EIGHT YEARS (TWO TERMS) IN WHICH TO ROB YOU OF YOURS GUN NOT DO SO?

Could it be that Donald the Duck believes you are so stupid dumb that you will buy any lie he tells you? Still that stupid dumb after experiencing his track record?

No one is that dumb. They could all be besotted with him and no matter what crap he gives them they enjoy it. A fixation. A fanatic focus on frantic fraught with frenzy. Anything is possible.

Posted - September 18, 2020
