Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What better proof can you get that Republican Senators don't need any brains to Senatate. REmember?

What better proof can you get that Republican Senators don't need any brains to Senatate. REmember?

When Justice Scalia died President Obama had another 10-11 months as President. Moscow mitch that son of an itch and all the republican toady sycophants insisted that Obama did not deserve the right to pick a replacement. So they never took it up. They never once considered allowing his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to occur. In fact the son of an itch said that was his proudest moment. Of course it was.

Fine and dandy. During an election year the sitting president does not have the right to replace a SCOTUS justice who dies. Got it.

Wait a minute. So far all the Republican senators in one voice are demanding that the empty seat on SCOTUS be IMMEDIATELY FILLED by the sitting president who has only a a handful of WEEKS left.

What the he** is going on here? Oh right. Republicans never did have a brain among them and so they argue one side of an issue loud and proud and force it to occur but..and this is very big BUTT..they argue equally loud and proud for the OTHER SIDE of the same issue when they senatate in concert with what services them and suits them. SCREW what they did before when it was a different president. You don't expect them to be fair or just or CONSISTENT do you? They are incapable of it since that would require thinking. They don't. They just react automatically robotically like preprogrammed computers. R2D2. 3CPO? Donny Dark.

Republican senators senatate differently than any other subspecies of homo saps. Don't expect anything more from them. They don't got it. They be dumbbells. Loud and proud.

Posted - September 19, 2020
