Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I am shocked at the alacrity with which moscow mitch insulted Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Within the hour of her death no less. Are you too?

I am shocked at the alacrity with which moscow mitch insulted Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Within the hour of her death no less. Are you too?

The "Notorious RBG" wrote a letter saying it was her FERVENT WISH that she not be replaced until the November 3, 2020 ELECTED president was inaugurated.

Moscow mitch announced that a SCOTUS REPLACEMENT would be voted on and advised and consented to immediately within the hour of her death. A slap in the face assuredly.

He did not have the decency to even wait till the next day. He was so cheerful and upbeat about it.

Oboy oboy oboy oboy. Salivating with anticipation. Oboy oboy oboy oboy. Donald the Duck jumped right in and said hes he would be making the decision "very soon". Oboy oboy oboy oboy.

All the republicans who had priorly said they would never ever do what they are going to do spoke up and supported him. No shame. No embarrassment. No humiliation. GET OVER IT.

What is it that lies within the soul of man that can make some of them like that? Are they natured or nurtured? Are they ever forced to face up to what they are what they've done whom they've harmed and what they leave behind? Or do they skate?

Posted - September 20, 2020
