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How is your attention span?

Hey, what's that? *wanders off*

Posted - October 12, 2016


  • 2758
    Uh, well, it's kinda li....

    ...What were we talking about? :-)
      October 12, 2016 2:54 AM MDT

  • 489
    We were talking??
      October 12, 2016 3:00 AM MDT

  • 10661
    I continue to harp on an issue long after everyone else has moved on to other things.
      October 12, 2016 8:20 AM MDT

  • 19938
    It has gotten shorter as I've gotten older, but I think that's because I have less tolerance for listening to BS than I did when I was young.
      October 12, 2016 12:23 PM MDT

  • 489
    Haha! I totally relate.
      October 14, 2016 1:07 AM MDT

  • 19
    My attention span depends upon the TOPIC at the time ... Like if it is a movie I find interesting , there is no problem; BUT if I find it boring ...I'll probably fall asleep or just turn it off ....

    I, for one , do NOT like football . We went to a football game several years ago ... I sat about fifteen feet from the guy who bangs the big ole drum etc ... and yet; I fell asleep ....
      October 16, 2016 12:26 PM MDT

  • 19938
    That's really true for me as well.  Of course, I guess you could define "BS" as anything in which I'm not interested.  :)  I'm not a sports fan either and when I got dragged to my niece's soccer game, I dozed off. 
      October 16, 2016 6:19 PM MDT