Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Repeat Performance. A Mulligan. A Do-Over. Donald John Trump becomes president and during that time NEVER LIES. NOT EVEN ONCE. Outcome?

Repeat Performance. A Mulligan. A Do-Over. Donald John Trump becomes president and during that time NEVER LIES. NOT EVEN ONCE. Outcome?

If you can stretch your imagining that far what kind of president COULD HE HAVE BEEN and where would we be as a country right now?

Along with never lying would come an absence of insults or attacks on those he perceived to be his enemy.

There would be no revenge/vendetta. There would be no billybarfbarr. There would just be an ordinary man trying his very best to be a good president for all the citizens. Whether they voted for him or not. He would have taken his oath of office VERY SERIOUSLY from the get go. There would never have been any Russian influence or tawdry political hitmen or envy/jealousy/mafia thug retaliation or nepotism. There would be no ego photo ops to be used as props to trick anyone.

His choices would have been people just like him trying their very best to do the very best for the country and ALL the citizens.

Posted - September 23, 2020
