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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The politics going on in the USA affects the world due to the wanton disdain contempt the demented duck has for alliances/agreements. Right?

The politics going on in the USA affects the world due to the wanton disdain contempt the demented duck has for alliances/agreements. Right?

Accords treaties are nothing to him. He pulls out withdraws mocks as his childish promiscuity affects the many.

What other country "head" is a comparable dipsh**?

Which is why the world press reports on everything all the time since the dipsh** is a crackpot loose cannon wackadoodlenoodle. Blame them?

So people want to know what the demented duck adoring worshippers plan to do. They are interviewed and quoted and followed and tracked to see if any of them plan to come back to common sense and dump trump. It would be a very good thing for the world if the demented duck's goose were cooked by the hands of his FORMER adoring worshippers.

So that explains why people care about what they think what they do.

Citizens of other countries are not the loose cannons or absurds that the adoring worshippers of the demented duck are.

He goes away and we get a SANE LUCID COHERENT COGENT president? Everyone and everything settles down.
Back to the days when you wouldn't hear a peep out of the presidents for days or weeks.

Posted - September 23, 2020
