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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The demented duck allegedly will make an appearance to "HONOR" Justice Ginsberg in a day or so. WHY BOTHER?

The demented duck allegedly will make an appearance to "HONOR" Justice Ginsberg in a day or so. WHY BOTHER?

He not only didn't honor her "FERVENT WISH" that she not be replaced until the next president was sworn in  he allegedly has chosen a woman who is the ANTITHESIS of Justice Ginsberg. A final insult.

This woman will vote to overturn ROE v Wade and vote to overturn the AHCA and vote to overturn everything Justice Ginsburg ever fought for because the replacement will be just another spineless brainless witless toady sycophant a**patting adoring obedient terrified worshipper of a duck. Demented duck. A duck.

The demented duck knows nothing about honor. He will just be staging another FAKE PHOTO OP.

If GOD strikes the demented duck with lightening when he pretends to be honoring Justice Ginsberg I will not be shocked or surprised. GOD works in mysterious ways HIS wonders to behold.

Posted - September 23, 2020
