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Idolizing a president doesn't always occur. For Dems it was FDR JFK Barack Obama I expect. For Republicans?

We know they idolized Ronald Reagan and he was a very charming guy and able to get along with the opposition without vilification or attacks or insults. He and DEMOCRAT Tip'ONeil were friends after office hours. They socialized. They respected each other. They LIKED each other though they were at odds politically but it did not disturb the friendship.

I liked IKE. There was a lot to like about him He warned us about the military industrial complex. He was responsible for ordering our highway system of Interstate roads. He was a WAR HERO having served his country in the military with distinction. Yes. I liked Ike and I expect Republicans did too.

Here's what I think. The folks that worship and adore the duck are not the same ilk as those who supported and adored Reagan or Ike. They are a separate breed. Where did they come from? Why do they value anyone who puts himself first and best at all times? The duck tells them that 24/7. How he knows more than anyone and can fix anything. The more he brags and boasts and preens and lies the more they seem to adore him.

The question is why?

Posted - September 28, 2020


  • 19938
    Ike was a bit before my time.  I think my first presidential election was for JFK.  Politics back in those days was more civil.  While the "combatants" may have been opposed to each other in public, they engaged with each other privately and, in social settings, were able to come to agreements that they could sell to their constituents.  There was more bi-partisanship because even though their platforms differed substantially when it came to policy, both parties put the interests of the country first.  That isn't to say they were all angels and didn't use their positions to benefit personally - they just weren't as greedy and self-serving as they are now. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at September 29, 2020 2:17 AM MDT
      September 28, 2020 10:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    With the demented duck we have reached our nadir as a country..scraped the bottom of the barrel and now we are living among the wood fibers. Thank you for your reply L! :)
      September 29, 2020 2:20 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I agree that it won't be long before we are one of those Third World countries if we don't do something to reverse our trajectory.
      September 29, 2020 8:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We are already there in my opinion. The demented duck has made us a SH**HOLE country. Effortlessly! Humliating to me. Thank you for your reply L! :)
      September 29, 2020 12:56 PM MDT

  • 19938
    Talk about sh**hole countries.  I just got the absentee ballot I sent for.  It's marked, "Military Absentee Ballot."  Tried calling the board of elections, five times got cut off while on hold.  Finally called my assemblyman and they told me someone came into the office this morning with the same issue.  They got through to the board of elections and were told it was a printing error - it should have said "Military/Temporary Absentee Ballot."  At this rate, I will have to go vote personally because if that wasn't a mistake, my ballot will be disqualified because I'm not in the military.  Who hires these people?
      September 29, 2020 1:14 PM MDT