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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The House is in no danger of flipping from blue majority to red. The SENATE on the other hand?

The House is in no danger of flipping from blue majority to red. The SENATE on the other hand?

Dems only need to flip FOUR SEATS from red to blue to gain the majority in the SENATE.

Add that to a Joe Biden win and the duck supporters will lose any hold or have any voice in government. They have abrogated any right to it by the abomination begun by moscow mitch when he REFUSED to allow the president, BARACK OBAMA, to appoint a successor to fill the seat of the deceased Republican SCOTUS Justice Scalia. Further that SOB son of an itch thinks that is the biggest accomplishment of his political career! Preventing the right of a PRESIDENT to fill a vacant spot on the Supreme Court of the United States. Vile man will lose in Kentucky if right is on the march. We have had entirely enough of his ignoring the law not doing his job and generalkt tabling hundreds/thousands of laws passed by the House that died in the Senate from his purposeful neglect. He will pay for it somewhere in time. I hope.

Also that billybarfbarr fake AG. He has much to atone for and who will exact it of him and where it will occur I do not know. But if there is such a thing as UNIVERSAL JUSTICE then I am assured of it. While I would love to witness it we can't always get what we want. Fingers crossed here's hoping the duck and his enablers/facilitators/bad actors will get everything they earned and deserve!

Posted - September 28, 2020


  • 33860
    Whomever wins the WH will have control of the House. Senate will remain in GOP. 
    If Biden wins then GOP will only have majority by 1. If Trump wins GOP will gain 1.
      September 28, 2020 5:50 AM MDT