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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Distract. Distrupt. Stand Back. STAND BY. The duck talking directly to the violent terrorist white supremacist PROUD BOYS! You one?

Distract. Distrupt. Stand Back. STAND BY. The duck talking directly to the violent terrorist white supremacist PROUD BOYS! You one?

So the disgraceful embarrassing chaotic pathetic duck bulled his way over and under and around and through the entire attempt at having a normal debate.

The rules are not for him.

He REFUSED to condemn the extreme right-wing white supremacists racists who form his PROUD BASE and as a result joy ringeth through the land among all the fascist white supremacists racists to go out and do what they want to do because the duck approves of them defends them counts on them to make him proud.

The duck kept interrupting Biden, irgnoring the rules, attacked Biden for wearing  mask and generally made an a** of himself. Why? Because he KNEW he would never win a proper debate.

You really more of this crap from this guy? Well just go out and vote twice per his request. Go out and monitor the polls. Go out and threaten intimidate. You have his approval and his gratitude and his appreciation.

Go out and sow your seeds.

Posted - September 30, 2020
