Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you afraid to die? Everyone dies. It is the HOW and the WHY that differentiates us. What would you willingly die to save?

Are you afraid to die? Everyone dies. It is the HOW and the WHY that differentiates us. What would you willingly die to save?

In the Civil War NUMBER ONE people on one side were willing to DIE to keep slaves and their way of life. The other side was willing to die to FREE people from bondage of monstrous slave owners.

In Civil War NUMBER TWO in which we are currently engaged the "enemy" wants to go back to slavery and bondage and complete dominion of WHITES over others and are working day and night to that end.

The rest of us...the true "we the people"...are fighting to presever the UNION ONCE AGAIN only this time the other side is far worse. It is aligned with hostile foreign despot dictators who take great joy in the strides their lapdog puppet useful idiots are making. They preen and celebrate and prance and dance every time the useful idiots do their bidding. It is a great time in Russia. Putin is well pleased with his lapdog puppet the demented duck. So far the duck has obeyed him beyond his wildest dreams. Do whatever it takes to keep him the front the "head" the pretend leader. Anything it tkaes. However long. To the death? If that's what it takes.

Posted - October 2, 2020
