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Discussion » Questions » Communication » Locker-room Talk. "Characteristic of or suitable to conversation in a locker-room. Earthy or sexually explicit." Just words, right?

Locker-room Talk. "Characteristic of or suitable to conversation in a locker-room. Earthy or sexually explicit." Just words, right?

The new spin by Trump and his surrogates is that it was "just locker-room talk". Just words. He didn't DO anything he sez, sez he. His surrogates say the same say them. Trump accusers are now speaking up and accusing him of DOING. Another Bill Cosby moment in American history. Trump et al say this is just another conspiracy to keep him from the presidency. It is all lies  sez he and them. So when he said what he said...boasting and bragging about his s sexual exploits with women.... when he was with Billy Bush or Howard Stern he was lying? He never DID any of those things? He was just boasting/bragging/LYING? So he and his surrogate mini-hims all agree he is a liar. If he lied about his sexual exploits why wouldn't he lie about everything else?  Where do you draw the line? ONCE a liar always a liar? Was Trump  so unsuccessful with women he had to LIE about his exploits to seem like a macho hombre? Confusing times. Which Trump do you believe? The locker room boastful bragging liar guy or the one who disavows that man? Why?

Posted - October 13, 2016
