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Just Asking
Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We must always comfort those in pain no matter how monstrous they are. Turn the other cheek? Never attack. Never?

We must always comfort those in pain no matter how monstrous they are. Turn the other cheek? Never attack. Never?

So then when pedophiles who torture and rape and murder little children are in pain we are respectul of them too?

Their circumstance causes us to revert to type and be very kind?

Are y'all nuts? Are you SERIOUS? Am I the only one who tells it like it is? Surely that cannot be but if it is then so be it. I will not lie or pretend to care for a monster. That anyone would is baffling to me. So what? Who cares. Move on. There is nothing to see here. And so it goes. It is what it is. EVERYONE SAYS SO. Sheesh. Disappointed I am in my fellow MAN. Duplicity hypocrisy fakery.

Posted - October 3, 2020


  • 10572

    Nuts, no; compassionate, yes.  Compassion is what makes us decent human beings.  Compassion allows us to look deeper than any wrong we have been dealt.  It in no way excuses the wrongdoer’s actions.

    You see a child is throwing things into the street just to watch cars swerve.  Suddenly a car swerves and accidently hits the child.  What do you do?  Do you crow, “Ha-ha, you got what you deserved”?  Or do you rush over to see if you can help?

    You’re driving down a deserted road when a car suddenly speeds past you doing over 100 mph, nearly running you off the road and causing you to spill hot coffee into your lap.  A few miles later, you use the car overturned on the side of the road.  What do you do?  Do you muter “serves you right, a-hole” as you drive on past?  Or do you stop to help or at least call 911?

    Compassion.  One thing this world sorely needs more of.

      October 3, 2020 1:10 PM MDT