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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Which HATE groups have enjoyed the most success? Is there a key to how they achieved it? Used to be foreign terrorists. TODAY?

Which HATE groups have enjoyed the most success? Is there a key to how they achieved it? Used to be foreign terrorists. TODAY?

Well Christopher Wray, current FBI director says the greatest threat to America among the hate groups who terroize are WHITE SUPREMACISTS. So I guess he would know.

Some HUGE percentage of domestic terrorism has been credited to WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

So maybe they are the most successful and would be perfect candidates to get an award for efficiency and success rate. Maybe the members could have gold pins they'd wear proclaiming they are the best at what they do.

Imagine being rewarded for being the BEST hater? Golly whiz. What an honor!

Posted - October 5, 2020
