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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » "Locker Room talk" according to Trump is ONLY accepted/defended by his supporters. No one else agrees with it. Why?

"Locker Room talk" according to Trump is ONLY accepted/defended by his supporters. No one else agrees with it. Why?

All Locker Rooms are not alike. A Trump Locker Room  is not necessarily the same as an Arthur Ashe or Arnold Palmer Locker Room. Vulgar/disrespectful/obnoxious/perverted is not ubiquitous to all locker rooms. Only in Trump world is it so. Why does he believe that whatever is true for him is also true for everyone? Why do his supporters buy that lie?

Posted - October 13, 2016


  • 17260
    Easy one... The rest of us don't have to come up with yet another lame excuse to explain his behavior or his thoughts...
      October 13, 2016 5:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It really shows us how stoopid he thinks Americans are to buy the crap he continually tries to sell all the time. His base buys it because they cannot differentiate between poisonous mushrooms and ones that are safe to eat. Trump's contempt for everyone but himself by now is well-known. Live by the sword, die by the sword...figuratively speaking of course. I wish no harm to come to him. If he just goes away and stays there for eternity I shall be a happy camper. Thank you for your reply SH! :)
      October 14, 2016 5:26 AM MDT

  • 17260
    Unfortunately he found a solid base among a larger group of Americans, I refuse to use the s-word. They do buy his crappy sales pitch promising anything they want, IF only they buy him... It feels like being in something close to this...

      October 14, 2016 5:35 AM MDT

  • 691
    Because others pretend the crude type of sexual comments that are very common as something special because it might be their only hope to knock trump down and get a corrupting criminal slave to banks and saudia arabia elected. Those people would pretend anything trump did was as bad as rape if it meant they could help the cheater who stole the democrat nomination win.
      October 13, 2016 9:45 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I don't know.  Maybe it's me.  But if I were running for President I would watch what I say always and get used to it in case I have to actually do the job someday where everyone around me has a tape recorder and is vested in bringing me down a peg or two.

    I don't hear any Hilary locker room talk, do you?
      October 13, 2016 9:56 AM MDT