Whom would you love to see/hear on that good old TV set in front of mike doing his/her schtick? Keep 'em laughing!
What specific routines come to mind? We could also include the"comedians" who talked about social issues of the time. We could see/hear Will Rogers do his routines that captured the hearts of millions. Ever see the Jackie Gleason Show? Remember Art Carney leaning how to play golf? says to Art 'Now address the ball" and Art says "Hello ball! Remember Lucy and the chocolate shop or when she was selling vitameatvegamin or when she set her fake her on fire? Remember Lenny Bruce? For you oldtimers. Some of them made us laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. Any of you remember Red Skelton or Totie Fields? Are you up for it? Remember Ernie Kovacs and his Nairobi Trio or Steve Allen or Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca? Abbott and Costello (who's on first) or Laurel and Hardy or Charlie Chaplin's lovable tramp?
I know funny is in the ear and mind of the beholder. So there'd be all kinds of comics/comedians/comediennes for all kinds of tastes. Non-stop for three days and nights. They' would not be doing their gigs to get you to send in money. They would be doing it because that's what they do...make 'em laugh!