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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The pretzelizing of morality to accommoddate cruel and inhuman treatment of other homo saps never ceases to amaze. Not in a good way. YOU?

The pretzelizing of morality to accommoddate cruel and inhuman treatment of other homo saps never ceases to amaze. Not in a good way. YOU?

Posted - October 7, 2020


  • With this phenomenon happening since the beginning of time, chronicled in the annals of history by every historian that ever lived, I find that I absolutely must ask the question: How long did it take to arrive at that conclusion???
      October 7, 2020 12:28 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Why did you find that you "absolutely must ask the question" that you did?

    She never suggested that she just came across that phenomenon---she just commented that it still amazes her when she observes yet another example of it.

    And she then asks whether you are also amazed by continual examples of it.

    And I am now amazed at having again encountered another phenomenon that has also been happening since the beginning of time.
      October 7, 2020 6:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    This is what I mean about you tom. Honestly your patience and continued trying to get through also AMAZES me as I have told you. I don't know where your deep down hope comes from. I gave up long ago. It was taking too much outta me that I don't have to waste. Hats off to you! :)
      October 8, 2020 2:07 AM MDT

  • 7280
    I both think and feel an obligation to address what I perceive to be error no matter where and when (unless doing so is dangerous to myself or others---you know, if you're in a store that is being robbed by a meth head with an AK-47, it's best to avoid pointing out the error of his ways to him at that precise time.)

    Said another way, I think its the right thing to do.

    And it's a small victory, but I also enjoy having such people be unable to avail themselves of the excuse: "But nobody told me I was wrong." This post was edited by tom jackson at October 9, 2020 2:28 AM MDT
      October 8, 2020 4:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I know you are just being you. I have a very good gal pal in New York who does the exact same thing and I marvel at her too. She NEVER GIVES UP TRYING TO GET through. AT LEAST SO FAR. She never gets flapped or angry as far as I can tell just reading her excursions into the wild side. She is temperate and straightforward but she keeps repeating truths that never get through to others or if they do the "others" will never admit it. Maybe I just get frustrated too easily or maybe I'm too old to bother. It's funny when I first joined Answerbag in February 2005 (but who remembers?) I used to feel an obligation to reply to anyone who answered a question no matter how rude or insulting they were. I always tried to explain the "why". I always replied to everyone all the time. But one day I figured out I was just spinning my wheels. That some folks show up simply to fight and argue and insult and attack and I stopped engaging with them. Now I ignore them completely. Why bother when I already know what they will be saying and there will be NOTHING of value to me in investing my time like that? I also think I'm probably a coward. But so what if I am? Why not spend my time chatting with folks who enrich my mind and let the others go? Sure I say every day "WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME" only I mean intellectually and not financially. I think I have to ask THAT question. So I'm a snob about it. So? Anyway I admire your patience and I admire my New York gal pal's patience. I wish I had more of that in me but I don't. Thank you for your reply and STAY SAFE! :)
      October 9, 2020 2:36 AM MDT