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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Did Joe Biden have a RICH daddy who bought his way through college and bought his way out of the draft with a fake excuse?

Did Joe Biden have a RICH daddy who bought his way through college and bought his way out of the draft with a fake excuse?

Has Joe been holding out on us all this time selling himself as coming from humble beginnings?

Could be. Anything is possible.

Wonder what the dumb cluck duck "machine" will come up with now? Everything they've tried so far to eviscerate Joe drives the duck deeper and downer in the polls. Keep it up duck! Keep it up keep it up keep it

Also I sincerely hope all the adoring worshippers toady sycophants and lemmings keep it up too. The win for Joe will be that much more delicioiuser! Don'tcha know?

The dumb cluck duck cabal will never be able to stop the madness of the duck. He so high on drugs he flies higher and higer each day. He has no clue he is high as a kite. When he comes down? Uh oh.  He rants rambles raves gibberish constantly. To them his adoring worshippers they are words of wisdom. To us? Hahahahahahahaha! You're joking right?!

Posted - October 8, 2020
