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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So is it true that the trigger that radicalized all the mental defects who are white racists was the election of Barack Obama as prez?

So is it true that the trigger that radicalized all the mental defects who are white racists was the election of Barack Obama as prez?

These flabby demented perversions of macho were so INCENSED that an intelligent articulate well-loved black man ran the country for 8 years they vowed revenge. They all voted for the dumb cluck duck. They will kill for him and die for him. No sweat. HE IS ALL WHITE though orange tinted and that ALLRIGHT with them.

There you have it. Blame President Barack Obama for all of this. They are the retaliation revenge on those of use who voted gladly for President Obama TWICE and guess what? Millions of us are white. So the white racist demented misfits decided to revenge and boy they sure are doing a he** of a job Brownie. A he** of a job.

A 17 year old murderer of two wounder of one is hailed as a HERO a PATRIOT and treated with sympathy and kindess by all of "their kind".

Only the tip of that iceberg.

Posted - October 10, 2020
