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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The U.K. woos Joe Biden and abandons the duck. They see him as already having failed and want to waste no more time on him. Agree/dis?

The U.K. woos Joe Biden and abandons the duck. They see him as already having failed and want to waste no more time on him. Agree/dis?

Posted - October 11, 2020


  • 3719
    Do we?

    First I've heard but to be honest it's not what the President does or does not do within the USA that matters so much in the UK and other countries, but America's foreign policies.
      October 11, 2020 3:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That was the headline on an article on the internet and I confess I did not read it. So far the duck has pulled out of agreements and treaties and alliances. He is not a dependable ally and seems to be more interested in aligning himself with the despot dictators in the world. Does that "sit well" with you personally m'dear? He has broken crushed shattered extincted so much of what America used to be once upon a time. Before the dumb cluck duck was installed as president America USED TO BE A DEPENDABLE ALLY. Now? Suffice it to say the cluck sucks at that unless it is putrid putin or some other cruel cold vile evil "head". "nuff said. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 12, 2020 1:53 AM MDT

  • 3719
    It did all seem to start well four years ago, though we were a bit surprised when he invited himself on a State Visit!

    Boris Johnson did send Trump his best wishes for a speedy recovery from Covid-19, but that is normal diplomacy flavoured with the personal touch as Johnson himself had had it too.

    Otherwise, despite the BBC reporting on the election campaigning far more than really necessary, the UK is keeping its counsel and waiting patiently to see who will be President. America's internal politics are America's business, but of course the UK will be concerned with international matters such as trade agreements, and the effects on them depending on your next Government.

    So the idea that the UK is "wooing" either side, is wrong.

    Although President Trump has done himself no favours, and he did upset a lot of Britons on his "State Visit" here, we usually manage to separate the nation overall from the leader of the time. Besides, most of the working interactions between governments of friendly nations are by diplomats, ministers and senior civil-servants, rather than between presidents and prime-ministers.   This post was edited by Durdle at October 14, 2020 5:33 AM MDT
      October 13, 2020 2:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Of course I don't know what goes on in your country Durdle. If what I read are lies I would have no way of knowing. If you lie to me how would I know? Now I trust you don't but my only sources are what I read and what my U.K. pals tell me. I have no other source or insight. I am not a mind reader. So there ya go! You are not wooing us. Okay.  I will take your word for it.  Thank you for your reply.
      October 14, 2020 5:38 AM MDT

  • 3719
    What you read might be based on misunderstanding rather than lies. but there would no point in the UK trying to woo Biden because apart from that being bad manners, we can't influence the result of the election anyway. We leave that to Russia....

    No doubt there are many Britons who support one candidate or the other depending on their own political views.  There probably are political or commercial interests in the UK who hope one rather than the other Party wins, for whatever reason; and it could be that some of those are the ones a-wooing - but they are not the United Kingdom as a whole. 

    Officially the UK government tries to be neutral over other countries' elections, but I imagine that the people paid to know about such things are making two lots of plans and assessments, such as trade negotiations, to be ready for whichever Party does win.  
      October 14, 2020 1:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Remember Joe Biden it not a cipher. Joe Biden served 8 years as Barack Obama's veep and as such I'm sure had many meetings with many people from the U.K. In a way they know what they would be getting in him. i'm just saying it is quite possible that there is a very strong preference for Joe Biden in the U.K. I know Boris and the duck hit off big. But what about the rest of the people? You do remember the signs people carried when duck was supposedly going to visit your country? You do remember the BABY BLIMPS flying overhead to show the contempt of the people who wanted nothing to do with the duck. It was HEADLINE news all oer the world. Allegedly when the visit occurred duck was escorted far away from where the people were gathered with signs that showed their displeasure with his visit. In any event you may be apolitical and not care who wins but many of your fellow countryfolks do. They showed with signs and protests and blimps. I remember it well! Thank you for your reply Durdle. I'm going to ask a question about baby blimps. Run it up the flagpole to see who salutes.
      October 14, 2020 1:56 PM MDT