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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Condolences and congrats to the U.K. We Americans are there too but YOUR leadership is doing something about it. Ours?

Condolences and congrats to the U.K. We Americans are there too but YOUR leadership is doing something about it. Ours?

Boris Johnson will be instituting a LEVEL 3 lockdown in Liverpool. The chief medical officer says "we are at a tipping point similar to where we were in March."

We poor neglected Americans are sinking all alone on our own. The dumb cluck duck has moved on and there is zero aid from his bugment gubment vis a vis infections and cases and deaths. NONE. Nor will there be.

So as I said condolcences to you but other countries are in the same boat.

Woe is us. Many more of us will become very ill and die on the watch of a dumb cluck duck and his quacks totally approve. Many of them will become  ill and die too but they don't mind at all. It is what it is after all. Isn't?

The dumb cluck duck is their lord and master and king and jesus reborn again. Whatever he says/does is all a blessing on them. They thank GOD each day that HE sent them a miraculous miracle worker to save them from the abyss of democracy in action.

As they lay ill and dying they pray to him(the duck) to keep on doing what he is doing because it works so well for everyone who matters.

Signing off for now. Be happy in your misery. More where that came for all the quacks who are pro the dumb cluck duck. Sayonara. Farewell. Goodbye. Adios. Au revoir.

Posted - October 12, 2020


  • 3719
    Yes - and Holland is tightening its own restrictions (hating doing so), as are cities at least elsewhere in Europe. I think Madrid declared a State of Emergency. We in Britain were thinking we are getting the worst of both the pandemic and the controls but it seems we are in about the same state as much of Europe. Not exactly comforting but at least we are all in the same boat.

    The UK government does keep changing the rules, causing a lot of confusion; but has given local authorities the power to add further local controls to the national ones - adding to the confusion as well.

    The epidemiologists and now the Opposition (in Parliament) are all saying we had not acted strongly enough, or should impose a two-week lockdown etc; but the Government is caught between a vicious little scrap of RNA and trying to keep the country as functional and free as possible.
      October 13, 2020 3:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I know Boris Johnson isn't a shining bright light of perfection but he got the virus and from what I gather almost nearly died. GUESS WHAT? He LEARNED from his experience and is now trying to do something positive. You know what the dumb cluck duck is doing? He has embraced the herd mentality immunity gibberish of a radiologist named Scott Atlas and that is why he doing all those spread the virus as far and fast as he can so that everyone will get infected. I AM NOT JOKING Durdle. I wish I were. Thank you for your reply. I pay attention to what goes on in your country and when I see very good going on I have to talk about it! Happy Wednesday to thee and thine. STAY SAFE! :)
      October 14, 2020 4:40 AM MDT

  • 3719
    It's not the principle of "herd immunity" that is the problem although the idea of it developing quickly in this pandemic seemed to have been dropped early on, but how it's used and misused that's wrong - as by Trump.

    I don't know what Atlas has said about it, but "herd immunity" but it does seem to exist. Perhaps it really needs many years to develop in a population generally.  

    It was reported here that at Trump's rally in Florida, many of his audience were not keeping apart and not covering their faces. When he was ill, one journalist covering it said Trump regards illness as a "weakness"; but we've all known for a long time that he has little or no understanding or appreciation of science.
      October 14, 2020 1:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's what I object to bigly. You let a disease spread at will until all those who die are dead and those who are alive still live. Now in America, a population of 340 million give or take. How many will get very ill, survive and be left with PERMANENT SEVERE damage? Heart lung kidney? How many will die? Two million? What is a good number of deaths that could have been prevented but weren't the herd mentality immunity (I insist on saying herd MENTALITY immunity because that is how the dumb cluck duck referred to it...HERD MENTALITY. So for me it will always be HERD MENTALITY IMMUNITY.) It shows the extent of stupid dumb of the pres. I digress. If you can save a life and don't aren't you in effect a murderer? Didn't you pull the plug, turn you back and walk away? For the dumb cluck duck that is no problem. He is indifferent to the suffering of others. In his entire universe he is the only one who matters so for him it is business as usual. But for you? Knowing you could have saved thousands of lives and didn't for some alleged eventual "good". which never materialize? It isn't a slam dunk sure thing. I dunno Durdle. I sure couldn't. I'd have nightmares peopled with those I let die. I'm sure I would. GUILT cannot be expiated for something like that. Just my opinion of course. Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at October 14, 2020 1:51 PM MDT
      October 14, 2020 1:45 PM MDT