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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Logic. Do you know what it is and how to determine its' existence or lack thereof?

Logic. Do you know what it is and how to determine its' existence or lack thereof?

I will give you a simple example. Basic. Easy. Ordinary average typical IQ is all you need to grasp it.

The GOP is allegedly pro-life so it is AGAINST a woman having the right to decide when or if she plans to get pregnant. They insist that even taking birth control pills murders babies. Prevention murders babies. Life is precious. However only fetal life and not out of the uterus life. How is that again?

The GOP is he** bent on overturning eliminating destroying the affordable health care act which provides affordable health care coverage for people with pre-existing they don't die.

Overturn. Turn over. Eliminate. Destroy. Murder it.

In the process since after 12 years the GOP still does not have a VIABLE medical insurance coverage plan to replace it immediately there will be nothing AFFORDABLE for millions of people. Some of them will die. How is that not ANTI prolife which is to say in another how is that not PRO DEATH?

Unfortunately for them they do not live in a fetal state inside a woman's womb. There they would be protected from death if the prolifers had their way. Once outside they're on their own.

So how is it logical that life within the body as yet unborn is worthy of saving but

once born and ill and needing medical care to save a life the importance of life is no longer important?

The question is this. If LIFE is worth saving why isn't it worth saving both INSIDE and OUTSIDE the womb?

It is ILLOGICAL to say a fetus life is worth more than any other life. IF all life is precious as they say. Perhaps they are liars.  Perhaps the only life they value is the yet unborn. Sigh. There is no possible way to understand such illogical blather. They see no problem with it. Thus they are doomed to be and remain ILLOGICAL. Logic can save lives. Illogic? What do you think?

Simple enough to get or still way too complex?

Posted - October 12, 2020
