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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many MURDERERS on scotus will vote to reverse the Affordable Health Care Act and in so doing murder those whose lives depend on it?

How many MURDERERS on scotus will vote to reverse the Affordable Health Care Act and in so doing murder those whose lives depend on it?

And a further farther lovely touch is that the female newby will have the distinct label of TRAITOR to her own gender.

She doesn't give a rat's a**. She is there to service and please the dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks. That is her only purpose for being there. A handmaiden to them. Proudly shows POWERFUL proud. A sham.

Posted - October 13, 2020


  • 6023
    I have a different spin on the so-called "Affordable" Health Care Act.
    I have a few friends who, for medical reasons, are unable to work even part-time jobs.
    They were able to afford medical insurance prior to the AHCA, and receive care for their conditions.
    After passage of the AHCA, their premiums rose over 300% ... and they could no longer afford it.
    So much for being able to keep their insurance/doctors.
    They were forced to get on state-sponsored health insurance, which did not provide the same level of coverage/medicines they need.
    In fact, rather than see doctors they now have to go to health clinics and be seen by Nurse Practitioners.
    The wait time to get an appointment in said clinics is around 9 months.  Unless you are being referred after having to go to the ER - then it is only 3 months.

    Meanwhile, with no real "teeth" in the mandate for everyone to buy insurance, the costs keep going up - putting more people in that situation.

    So, we either need to remove the AHCA and let the markets reach their natural equilibrium again ... or do away with private insurance entirely, and switch to fully-socialized medicine, such as other nations have.  Where people don't pay any direct premiums, but everybody's taxes increase to pay for national healthcare.  (one way to do that would be to remove the cap at $120,000 on the Social Security tax of 6.25%)
      October 13, 2020 7:26 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Bifurcated again Walt. I've heard that type of response before from others. My experience is the antithesis to that so I don't get why. Millions who were not covered were covered and are alive because of it. Take it away and presumably they will die. Why would your cost go up 300%?. You know what. I retired in 1999.  I was on Medicare when the AHCA passed so maybe that's why I don't have a clue about what you are sharing as your experience. I dunno. Anyway judge amyhoney girl will clearly be a good obedient little woman and vote the way the duck and his cabal et al desire. And she will be a traitor to her gender and go against what's best for women to sate the lust of the men who want complete control over women's bodies. Lust by vicarious denial? I don't know. Thank you for your explanation. It confuses me but I do not doubt it's accuracy! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 15, 2020 4:40 AM MDT
      October 13, 2020 7:53 AM MDT

  • 6023
    The reason costs went up is simple ... insurance companies were required to cover pre-existing conditions.

    You didn't have insurance when you got injured?
    Used to be, you had to pay for everything on your own.
    With the ACHA, you just enroll after the fact - and they have to pay for your medical bills.

    Naturally, insurance companies are going to raise rates to cover their ASSets.
      October 13, 2020 2:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    When I worked we had Kaiser and we had to pay 20% of the cost and our employer paid 80%. I retired before I was 65 and for a couple of years I had the option to pay the full price of the group plan to keep it going. There was or is some law that says you can do that. So I did. I got the benefit of the reduced cost of a group plan which was cheaper by far. Then when I turned 65 and Medicare took over i opted out of the Kaiser group plan and switched to the senior plan. It was smooth and easy to do. I mean I LIKED by doctors and so I just kept on with Kaiser. So I'm thinking I missed being impacted by the AHCA and so I support it because I have read it provided insurance to 20 million people who couldn't afford coverage otherwise including pre-existing conditions and having your kids up to age 26 be covered too. So that's why I'm confused. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Wednesday. Got our ballots yesterday. Am working on them this morning and will take the completed ballots to the Democratic headquarters in Hemet to make sure they are handled honestly and honorably. I called a couple of weeks ago and talked to a gal named CAROL. That's my sister's name I knew I was in good hands. Their office hours are 10am-2pm Tuesday through Thursday. I'll call and let her know we will be dropping by with out completed ballots. I feel better having a plan. All other years we'd just drop out completed ballots off at the post office and never think twice about it. Now I don't even trust the County Registrar of Voters. They might be infected infiltrated compromised. Such is he stuff of our lives today!
      October 14, 2020 5:27 AM MDT