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If true that immunity lasts from 3-4 months then you can keep getting infected for the rest of your life? Geez isn't that exciting?

Posted - October 13, 2020


  • 3719
    Not necessarily true at all.

    A lot depends on the type of bacteria or virus, and on your own general health and power of immunity.

    Ones like the Corona virus do have counter-defence mechanisms, or mutate slightly to adapt for their own survival, which is why the strain responsible for the common cold can come back eventually and attack you again. 

    That responsible for SARS-Covid-19 is still enough of a newcomer for us not to know its long-term behaviour; but reported cases of re-infection are still extremely rare, only about 20 world-wide known to the WHO. Whether that is because if you can build up sufficient immunity you are fine, or if it's because the virus will take a year or so to make you ill again, remains to be seen.

    It's only been around as an identified disease of its own for less than a year; but I imagine it is quite possible people had contracted it without knowing it, or thinking it was some other illness, a lot earlier than we thought; and not just in China, either. This post was edited by Durdle at October 14, 2020 5:30 AM MDT
      October 13, 2020 2:49 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It ain't necessarily so. It ain't necesssarily so. The things that you're liable to find in the Bible they ain't necessarily so. We don't know. Anything is possible. It is what it is. Everyone says so. Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck is seeing to it that more of his adoring worshippers will become infected and keep spreading it. That is absolutely necessarily so. Sad though. Thank you for your reply Durdle. One man's meat is another man's poison! You had to be there.
      October 14, 2020 5:32 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Yes - I have heard about the election campaigning!

    I think we develop long-term or even life-long immunity to some diseases but not others, and some of the respiratory ones are among those others. I assume it depends very much on how well and how rapidly the specific micro-organism adapts.  
      October 14, 2020 1:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I guess some of us are lucky and some are not. Take Sickle Cell anemia. A horrible condition. Affects mostly African Americans. It is very painful as I have heard and read. I saw a program..maybe it was 60 minutes...about a young woman who was wracked with pain for a very long time. They injected something in her system...antibodies? I don't really know and they began to eat the sickle cells and finally after treatments her blood was analyzed and all sickle cells had disappeared. Instead of being bedridden she now takes martial arts where people slam others on the floor..she runs..she leads a normal athletic life. It's wonderful what science can do. Science saved my life in 2008 when I had STAGE 3 uterine cancer. The dumb cluck duck doesn't believe in science. He believes only in himself. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Durdle.
      October 15, 2020 2:54 AM MDT

  • 3719
    A former work colleague used to suffer from terrible headaches that were always put down as migraine, until one day her doctor decided to have the problem investigated further and referred her to a specialist. He found she had a brain tumour. Fortunately it was not malignant, and with it removed she made a full recovery.

    Science though goes far further than medicine - and the obvious one here of computers and the Internet. Without it we'd have none of the things we take for granted everyday like clean water, electricity, decent homes, mechanised transport and so many materials and products.

    I don't know Trump's real attitudes towards science but I know he does not understand it. 
      October 16, 2020 11:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The dumb cluck duck is a very simple guy. Whatever gets in the way of what he wants to do he calls FAKE. He is not a fan of truth because it hampers him. He flies highest when he gets his way and that seems to be what his quacks adore about him. It takes all kinds and their kind is not my kind. They are not logical. They are not truthful. They are not decent honorable or kind. They attack "the other" all the time as if it is their right and purpose. I know we can't like everyone. But at the very least we can leave folks alone to live their lives as they choose providing it doesn't adversely impact anyone. Sigh. For me personally those that blaspheme TRUTH are evil. Those who abhor FACTS and adore SPIN are committing a sin. Their ilk is indefensible and their power to ignore truth is causing people to die by the thousands. How many will die today? Every day the dumb cluck duck is holding rallies in different cities. Maskless butt to butt cheering spitting breathing in virus. He leaves and goes to another city and does the same thing. Meanwhile all the maskless attendees take home the virus they get from being so close to others unprotected. A bringer of death. He is what he is. Thank you for your reply Durdle. This post was edited by RosieG at October 17, 2020 2:29 AM MDT
      October 17, 2020 2:27 AM MDT