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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly an 89 year old woman got the virus, recovered, got it again and died. The future looks bright for all of us doesn't it?

Allegedly an 89 year old woman got the virus, recovered, got it again and died. The future looks bright for all of us doesn't it?

If immunity lasts 3-4 months we can all enjoy getting it, getting past it, getting it again, getting past it again, getting it again and maybe dying. Herd mentality immunity alive and well and being promulgated propagated by the dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks. They are very anti science anti intellectual anti life. A triple threat to anyone who dares stop the wheels of progress.

This will be the future futurely. With flu and a surge in Covid here already we are in for some really great times! Never before in the history of the world was such gleeful "head" spreading death everywhere he goes as a SOLUTION to a problem! Is it unique. It is exactly what his peeps wanted of him. Shake things up. Make getting very ill and even dying something to strive for and work toward and support. Millions of you are doing that.

Keep at it. Good job Carry on.

ATTEND a death rally. More than one. Brave you are. Keep going and doing and going and going and and doing. Whatcha got ta lose? What could it hurt? Everyone sez so.

Posted - October 13, 2020
