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IN GOD WE TRUST. Allegedly that is what Christians say because they do believe it. No they don't. How do I know?

If they did they would not LIE CHEAT STEAL or be republicans who are successful precisely because they lie cheat steal and support the dumb cluck duck and his quacks...well they are the quacks of course.

IN GOD WE TRUST is a sham scam con for the likes of them and their ilk. Oh sure they go to church and pretend to care about what's in the Bible and even throw quotes at you to impress you with their Christianly essence. And they anti abortion and anti IVF and pro life for a fetus. Such good people.

All the while they are rigging elections, restricting voting, attacking truth and promulgating injustice.

IN GOD WE TRUST. Said by one who lies cheats steals sabotages is BLASPHEMY. Cut it out. Knock it off. Y'all are not kidding anyone.  ESPECIALLY GOD. Sheesh. Simpletons.

Posted - October 13, 2020


  • 10562

    Please don't lump all Christians in with those charlatans.  Real Christians trust in Christ and do their best to be like Him (have the mind of Christ).  Those who claim to be Christians but don't (refuse to) act like Him are just pretenders.  They delude themselves and others with their phony actions, but they can NEVER deceive God.  “A worthless and wicked person is one who has a dishonest mouth.”  Those who condone evil actions are no better off that those who commit them.

    It is written - “There are six things that the Lord hates, even seven that are disgusting to him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill innocent people, a  mind that plots evil, feet that are quick to do wrong, a dishonest witness spitting out lies, and a person who spreads conflict among relatives.”

      October 14, 2020 11:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Read it again Shuhak. I specifically isolated/directed/targeted the question to a certain segment of the population. People who lie cheat steal and are republicans I would never say ALL CHRISTIANS because that would be a lie. Also some former Republicans have been driven from the party and have organized groups to support Joe Biden and have nifty ads showing the dumb cluck duck for what he is. They are obviously exempted too. Anyone who supports the dumb cluck duck and ALSO pretends to be a CHristian IS A LIAR. They are mutually exclusive. In my opinion. That is all I ever have. My opinion. I used to teach Sunday School to little kids WHEN I WAS TWELVE. I know about GOD or at least the one in which I believe. That jealous revengeful gawd that others fear and worship? Not the one I have ever believed in. But I digress. Can you tell me honestly that you believe a TRUE CHRISTIAN could vote for embrace defend support the dumb cluck duck? I have a very good imagination but it is not that good. Thank you for your reply. :)
      October 14, 2020 12:56 PM MDT