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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Barrett bats away Dems' questions". She played dumb...err...she is dumb. She robotically replied the same to every question! WHY?

"Barrett bats away Dems' questions". She played dumb...err...she is dumb. She robotically replied the same to every question! WHY?

She came up with  the exact same BULLSHY** gibberish response to every question.

That she could not and would not answer any HYPOTHETICAL question. Then she repeated by rote the process by which anything would be decided. Over and over and over and over and over and over again.

But in showing her complete lack of intelligence she tripped up bigly badly and obliviously.

When asked if intimidating voters at the polls were illegal she once again said she could not answer a hypothetical. Well IT IS ILLEGAL TO DO THAT. IT IS ILLEGAL TO DO THAT. Why couldn't she say "of course intimidating voters at the polls is ILLEGAL"? She didn't dare. She doesn't know. Clearly she didn't know and it showed. Also we know the dumb cluck duck and his weaponized mystery meet homo sapheads will be at the polls doing all the intimidating they can handle. She will not undercut her daddy dearest. She will not. She will not. She will not.

When she was asked if Roe vs Wade were a SUPERPRECEDENT she said it wasn't. It is. That is why all attacks on it have been losses. 70 attacks on it so far and counting? No problem. Overturn it. They will.

A couple of other times when she was asked questions that had specific CORRECT answers that were ACTUAL and REAL and NOT HYPOTHETICAL she once again turned on the recording of the process that the judges go through BEFORE they get to any decision-making. Sounds very laborious time-consuming and very BORING. She will be very good at boring. She has it down pat.

By rote. Like a recording. She unanswered every question with the same response.

She never answered any question for any reason. She was programmed to behave in a certain way and did. I wonder how many hours she spent being "PREPPED" the the dumb cluck duck and quack cabal et al? Probably from the moment she was announced and accepted? Maybe even the minute Ruth Bader Ginsberg died. Maybe this was all planned and set up to begin then. Who knows?.

She performed perfectly as a robot would or a lapdog puppet whose strings are being pulled. She will perform perfectly as a scotus obedient servant and handmaiden to the men on the court revering and puppeting the Antonin Scalia view of life. He is her MENTOR after all. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

Oh how happy the dumb cluck duck will be with a SCOTUS voting always 6-3! Tee hee hee.

Posted - October 14, 2020
