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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Remember those dumb cluck duck baby blimps? Face of the duck on a baby body wearing a diaper? Weren't they the cat's pajamas?

Remember those dumb cluck duck baby blimps? Face of the duck on a baby body wearing a diaper? Weren't they the cat's pajamas?

The duck should jump right on that for a campaign doozy. Flood the skies over the USA with baby blimps. Millions of baby blimps overhead floating high in the sky. Release them on Election Day! Now that would be something wouldn't it?

How much does each baby blimp cost? I know the duck blew through a billion dollars of contributions and is now so poor he can't afford to run ads in some states. Whaddabout his billionaire buddies? Why don't they all chip in kick in and buy the blimps then bill the duck who will of course make sure he is paid for all that money that he was given by them to pay for it. See that's why he is a brilliant businessman. He collects money and then charges for it again. And again. And again.  Double dip the blimp. The duck is a good double downer and double dipper and double dealer and double crosser!.

Eyes to skies. Baby blimps soar overhead.

Posted - October 14, 2020
