Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Found in the yards of Tennessee residents with JOE BIDEN signs in front of their homes? KKK CARDS! Comforting to know the KKK is watching?
I thought the KKK was a relic of the past. Cowardly white sheets burning crosses on yards of those who were the wrong color. Catching and hanging African Americans from tree limbs. Dragging them chained to the back of a car so the body got bloody and ripped apart before the person died. But naught and not. The dumb cluck duck welcomes them and sucks up to them and glorifies them. He lives entirely in the past and sanctifies all racists bigot sayings and doing that we who are sane and honorable vilify. He is a piece of sh** and those who adore him reflect that in whom they are what they say what they do. That is why the stench is overwhelming. Sigh. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 17, 2020 2:56 AM MDT