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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When a PERFECTIONIST and one who is not get together what are the odds of their staying together till death do them part?

When a PERFECTIONIST and one who is not get together what are the odds of their staying together till death do them part?

Jim is the PERFECTIONIST and I'm the not and we have been together fro 23 years and will continue on till death do us part.

How is it workin' for us? Well he complains and kvetches and I listen. Sometimes I rebut but most often I just listen and say "yes dear". I'm happier/more content than he is because I just don't notice the stuff he gets upset about.

I know he adjusts to my peculiarities too. We have no choice. We love each other.

How y'all doing? Any of you live with a PERFECTIONIST too?

Posted - October 16, 2020
