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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Newest dumb cluck duck scandal? The whole Hunter Biden thingy is a Russian DISINFORMATION PLOT to hurt Joe and help duck. WHAT?

Newest dumb cluck duck scandal? The whole Hunter Biden thingy is a Russian DISINFORMATION PLOT to hurt Joe and help duck. WHAT?

This time Rudy G is the goat  THIS TIME. A useful idiot. Gets fed "disinformation" (LIES) by Russian agents and passes it on to the dumb cluck duck who passes it on to everyone. Putrid Putin has useful idiots galore among the dumb cluck duck quacks. Either they KNOW what they are spreading is lies dung poop crap or they don't. Either way why are they so willing to be scammed conned duped used? Are Americans particularly stupid? I know putrid putin is orders of magnitude SMARTER than the duck and plays him 24/7. Rudy G too. Dumb bunny. A bunch of ants scurrying about building their lies into truths and spreading it like the manure they regularly dish out until the stench is overwhelming. Chalk one up for the American Intelligence Department. Another con shredded. What kind of October surprise will the dumb cluck duck and his quacks think up next? Each time they get smacked and knocked down they bounce back up with something wilder lie ee er and desperately try to convince us of it. THE base buys anything duck sells. He already owns them. The rest of us are amazed at the degree of stupidity and also which is insulting to our intelligence that they think they can DUPE us. And so it goes. Everyone says so. In a certain period of time. Right?

So now there is an investigation going on about this? Will billbarfbarr shut it down even though he lives on the edge of "death"? Conspiring with a foreign power to undermine an American election can't be a good thing to be accused of can it? How does duck spin this? Oh right. FAKE news. Ladedah. Tatatata. Yadayadayah. Hahahaha.

Posted - October 17, 2020
