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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When and if people provide "reasons:" for thinking as they do if those "reasons" are unreasonable and/or untrue what do you say/do?

When and if people provide "reasons:" for thinking as they do if those "reasons" are unreasonable and/or untrue what do you say/do?

Do you challenge them or let it go? Silence assumes assent. Doesn't it? Example?

The earth is flat. I believe there is a FLAT EARTH society isn't there? The flat earthers see earth as a vast flatland. If you go to the edge you can fall off.

The moon landing was a hoax. It was filmed on a soundstage in Hollywood. It is a conspiracy whose purpose has yet to be made clear. But it is fake phony never happened. NASA is in on it.

There was no HOLOCAUST. There was no extermination of millions of jews. It was all a jewish plot to gain sympathy and besmirch the nazis.

There is a worldwide deep state cabal made up of fllesh-eating cannabals who traffic children for sex and torture and murder them and drink their blood. QANON is based on that belief. Of course that cabal is all made up of democrats per the QANON dogma. Republicans embrace them and welcome them into politics. WITH OPEN ARMS. They are the future.

There are good people on both sides of any issue. The most heinous monstrous hateful evil sapheads are also very good very kind very fair very just and very honorable. The most highly respected sapheads are also devious duplicitous cruel hateful and untrustworthy. All people are the same. Some are samer than others.

The best and smartest way to defeat a disease is to just ignore it completely.  Let it run its course. Make no allowances or adjustments to try to cope with it. It is what it is.

There are truthtellers and there are truth deniers. Republicans are truthtellers. Everyone else isn't. Trust them to guide you on the path of righteousness. Everyone else is up to no good and out to get you.

GOD intervenes in human affairs and will choose sides all the time. TRUST IN HIM. He is on YOUR side.

Climate change exists but humans have had nothing to do with impacting it in any way. It is cyclical and autonomous and independent. Global warming is just another lie to stop sapheads from doing whatever they want to do to the environment. Dumping chemicals into our waters is fine. Unprotecting wetlands and forests and the air we breathe and the lakes and rivers and oceans is fine. Whatever sapheads do to make money and "get ahead in life" and "be successful" is what GOD intends them to do. They bear no responsibility for anything negative. Fearmongers are liars. Warners are up to no good.

Treating all homo saps as if they are equals is ridiculous. Wanting to protect all of them makes no sense. There is a layer of society that is worthy and must be treated as "the best". The rest of the homo saps must stop trying to horn in and get their share. They are "less than". They always will be and need to stop being so uppity and pushy and demanding. The don't know "their place".

Science that interferes with what sapheads want to do is bogus. "Experts" caution you and warn you and they are all against you doing what you want to do when you want to do it. You know best. Pay no attention to them. They are not worth paying attention to. Do what serves you and completes you and makes you happy. You are all that counts. Remember that. Everything is all about you.

Posted - October 18, 2020
