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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pete Souza was the official White House photographer for both Presdient Ronald Reagan and President Barack Obama. Have you heard of him?

Pete Souza was the official White House photographer for both Presdient Ronald Reagan and President Barack Obama. Have you heard of him?

I watched a two-hour special titled "THE WAY I SEE IT". He shared bazillions of photos he took behind the scenes mostly during President Obama's tenure as president but also some were shared covering President Reagan and among the most sadly heartbreaking and poignant were when President Reagan died and at the funeral Nancy and their two children draped themselves over his coffin and kissed it.

Normally White House photographers are Apolitical and once the president is gone they become invisible and stay silent. Pete could not and now is an activist.

Were you silent all those years but now you too are an activist because silence assumes assent and you do not assent to the current political quagmire cesspool?

Or are you still silent because you approve? Or silent because you don't want to get involved? Or silent because you are afraid of becoming a target? Or silent just because you see good in all as well as evil and so why takes sides when we are all the same?

Posted - October 18, 2020
