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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do all animals take for granted what they have until they lose it or only homo sapheads who do that?

Do all animals take for granted what they have until they lose it or only homo sapheads who do that?

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama all CARED VERY DEEPLY FOR THE PEOPLE THEY SERVED.

They did not differentiate one from the other based on color religion or politics. They were the Presidents for ALL THE PEOPLE including those who didn't vote for them.

On 9/11 we saw how President Bush reacted. There was no doubt he was deeply wounded about the loss of life and brought us together as nation as ONE PEOPLE. He did not dog whistle any American group. He did not attack insult malign blame derogate  any American group. He spoke to ALL THE PEOPLE.

It's sad that we don't appreciate what we have until we lose it.

We took Clinton, Bush and Obama for granted. PRESIDENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE THEY SERVE. That is the point of being a president. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO PUT VICIOUS VITRIOLIC PARTISANSHIP ASIDE and fulfill the oath of the office. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ABIDE BY THE CONSTITUTION AND REALIZE THEY ARE BUT 1/3 of the leaderhip of a country. EXECUTIVE JUDICIAL LEGISLATIVE. Three EQUAL and ESSENTIAL parts of our government.

Politics aside they all served all of the people all of the time. Politics aside they did not attack their own government or the people who worked there. Politics aside they did not support hostile foreign governments and believe the leaders thereof rather than believing the Americans who served the people with them.

They were not unusual. They were typical. They tried to do what they swore to do what they were expected to do to the best of their ability. Politics aside they were not perfect. They were flawed. But they did not pretend to care about the people. They walked the walk.

So sad. Too bad. We don't appreciate what we have until we lose it. And then we remember how good we had it and wonder why we didn't see it then?  We don't appreciate what we have until we lose it.

Posted - October 18, 2020
