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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why would homo sapheads demand to be able to carry loaded weapons with them at all times if they weren't terrified of everything?

Why would homo sapheads demand to be able to carry loaded weapons with them at all times if they weren't terrified of everything?

The more guns you own the more scairdy cat you are? You see dangers in shadows and open plain. In sunshine snhow and in the rain. Everywhere you look they are coming to get you. Never a clam unafraid moment. FEAR travels with you 24/7. You keep a loaded beneath your pillow or on the nighstand besides your bed.

Water water everywhere but not a drop drink

The need is great and gets greater. More guns more calm or more guns more fear more deaths more paranoia?

Posted - October 19, 2020


  • 33859
    So you do not have to rely on the police to protect you. It takes time for them to respond. 
    I lived in the country, they had to call me back for directions to get to my house. If it had been an emergency who knows what would have happened before they arrived. 

    If I lived in the city, I would want to be armed. 
      October 19, 2020 3:47 AM MDT