No m'dear. It has to do with how slaves were viewed by the wealthy privileged whites who framed the Constitution. Not until the 14th Amendment were African Americans viewed as ONE PERSON rather than a fraction. That view sadly still exists. All the WHITE RACIST organizations of which there are countless hordes, still share that view. It is extended of course to all people of color. The dumb cluck duck and his adoring quacks value WHITE above all. Proudly they wear it as a badge of honor. They disgust me. They sadly propagate and raise their little white babies to reflect those attitudes. KKK Skinheads Proud Boys QANONS Nazi Americans Militia. All are DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. ALL ARE SUPPORTED BY THE CLAN HEAD..the dumb cluck duck. ALL WHITE. It is a pandemic too. They're the ones who attend the dumb cluck duck ego hate virus rallies. They used to hide under white sheets, hang blacks from the limbs of trees, burn crosses on their lawns. They are more discreet these days. They adore one another of course. Sigh. Thank you for your reply! :)
You are most welcome m'dear. My pleasure. A tiny bit of reciprocity for all the times you explain things to me. It is the most awful terrible politics in my lifetime. AWFUL TERRIBLE. The dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers view him as the second coming of Jesus Chrst. I kid you not. Some of us remain silent and say nothing. Some of stand up speak up and KEEP YELLING. I know YOU know which is me. Thank you for youfr reply Durdle. it will get much rose. SIGH. :(