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Complete your ballots at home and take to a SAFE drop-off place. WHY?

Because the dumb cluck duck POLL WATCHERS ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS! KKK NAZI SkinHEAD MILITIA WHITE SUPREMACIST PROUD BOYS QANON. All the fruits and nuts that are weaponized. They will be "monitoring you? with loaded guns. They are all NUTS. Do you really want to upset them?

I warned you. I told you what is the BEST thing you can do. Ignore it at your own peril. Condolences. GOD BLESS and RIP.

Posted - October 19, 2020


  • 3719
    What puzzles me is how they can know how you vote.

    I understand you have the option of using postal voting or polling-stations (I'm not sure what is their American term).

    Presumably though, if you use a polling-station you still vote in private and no-one else sees what you have entered on the ballot slip?

    I realise it would be very frightening to have to pass a bunch of armed thugs loitering outside the building, but how can they know your voting choice unless you tell them - and even then they cannot know if you told them the truth or a lie?  
      October 19, 2020 4:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think their presence is the point. I think they are there to keep people away. Also once the vote is completed and placed in the ballot box how do you know what happens to them thereafter? There are lists of eligible voters. Those lists tell you if the person is a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN INDEPENDENT. You show up to vote and identify yourself. How do you KNOW that the person verifying you isn't a dumb cluck duck "poll watcher"? They KNOW what party you are affiliated with and the logical assumption follows that you will vote according to how you are registered. Very simple. Also the dumb cluck duck quacks will show up with a MAGA hat, carrying a loaded weapon. As far as as I know open carry is the law of the land. Easy peasy. All voters are marked targeted watched. So we completed our ballots at home and I checked where a SAFE place to drop them off would be. There were THREE in Hemet. The one we chose was Hemet City Hall. We showed up. Our temperatures was taken. We answered some questions. We were directed (socially distanced and masked) to a window where a young man behind a glass checked out the envelope to make sure it had our signature, the date and our address written in our hand. He said "it's fine" and then dropped it in a box I guess beneath the counter on his side. I never saw the box. But it was clearly off limits to anyone but that young man. Now what happens to them later I don't know. But we did our very best to insure that we had control over what was being done fairly honestly and securely. Sad that we have to go through such bullsh** to try to counteract the dumb cluck duck and his mentally deranged weaponized worshippers. Thank you for your reply Durdle. Whatever happens is a crapshoot. This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2020 3:51 AM MDT
      October 20, 2020 3:49 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I suppose the gangs make it fairly clear what side they support, but I can see them intimidating voters from both sides. I am surprised they are allowed to do that.

    We don't register voters' affiliations here. We register eligibility to vote, but are not asked to declare party support.  Nor do the supervisors in the polling-stations know for whom we vote. We are sent a formal invitation to vote, by name and address, and it also tells us the location of the polling-station, ,which is usually a church hall, school or similar hired for the day.   We go in, give our name and if necessary address to the clerk who marks the electoral roll accordingly and hands us the ballot slip itself. We mark our chosen candidate in a small booth so no-one else can see it, fold it in half so hiding the vote and put that in the ballot-box. The boxes are collected and counting begins in a suitable, reasonably local venue, on the same night. I think in my town they use, or have used, a ball-room for that.

    The counts are public, or at least semi-public, open to Party members and the Press at least.

    I am not sure how postal votes work here, but most results are declared locally on the same night as the counting so we know the results from most of the country in the morning. There are usually a very small number of late arrivals but not normally enough to make any difference.  

    If someone tried to intimidate voters as those you describe do, they'd be either sent packing or arrested very quickly, by the Police.  

    Not only MAGA hats - some news photos I have seen show that Q symbol worn openly on a few individuals' clothes.
      October 20, 2020 12:59 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well America is not the best advertisement for DEMOCRACY. Since the 2016 RIGGED installation of the dumb cluck duck ABOMINATION everything has gone to he** and remains there. We are the laughingstock of shock and awe and disgust worldwide. That a pig like the dumb cluck duck could do this? That he could seduce millions of people to go to the DARK SIDE so easily shocks me. They are evil and have responded to evil. That is very clear. If they had not been amenable the duck would have died figuratively speaking on election day. But he didn't. The abomination of our nation may still "win" om 2020. Russian misinformation campaigns are flooding our internet sites. The gullible dumbheads believe every word of it. The Russians know how many useful idiots live in America. It was a no brainer.  A SLAM DUNK! The dumbhead nation on display for all to mock. All thanks due to the dumb cluck duck and his quacks. Can you top that? No one can. Thank you or our reply Durdle. This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2020 1:32 PM MDT
      October 20, 2020 1:27 PM MDT