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Are you happier as DRIVER or PASSENGER? Why?

Posted - October 20, 2020


  • 10562

    Definitely a passenger!  I HATE driving!!!!!  I like the freedom, but not the physical action.  Driving makes me anxious (my OCD perfectionism strikes again).  Anxiety makes me tighten up (bodily). 

    A few years ago, I drove up the road to the river (not very far).  It was a beautiful warm autumn day, no traffic, full tank of gas.  Yet for some reason I held the steering wheel with a death grip.  I gripped it so tight that my chest muscles ached for days afterward. 

      October 20, 2020 11:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I used to LOVE to drive Shuhak. But in 2004 I was driving and Jim was sleeping in the passenger seat and that was when we had the accident that should have killed us. It totaled the car. It began to rain. The car began to sway. Then it started spinning and then it went into ROLLOVERS! We smacked against a mountainside underframe full bore. We were on our side at the time. It was on a freeway where cars could have been coming in the other direction but miraculously there was NO ONE at the time. We were banged up a bit and black and blue. Jim had a MILD concussion. I had glass embedded in my am and forehead that a nurse took 3 hours trying to get out. We were taken to the Mammoth Emergency Hospital. We were on our  way up to Reno to visit my sister-in-law and her husband. They are both gone now but we're still here. Every other rollover I have ever read about since (and there are DOZENS) people died! Why did we survive? I have no idea. This is where I think GUARDIAN ANGELS do watch over us. There is no logical reason why what we experienced shouldn't have killed us or at the very least permanently damaged us in some say. Yet here we are. Ever since then I don't drive unless I HAVE to do so.If Jim has an appointment with an optometrist and they dilate his eyes. I drive. But I dread it. Mind you this was in 2004. I have never gotten over it. The terror. Jim slept through the whole thing. I experienced the whole thing. Gone is the innocent who LOVES to drive. In her place is the person that realizes she could have killed someone she loves and herself as well. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. So I can relate! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2020 2:48 PM MDT
      October 20, 2020 2:37 PM MDT

  • 10562
    Holy crap!!!  That's terrifying just to read.  You were both very fortunate! 
      October 20, 2020 2:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Tell me about it! I still don't understand any of it. But well another of life's magical mysteries! SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 20, 2020 2:53 PM MDT