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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dumb cluck duck BEGS white suburban women to LIKE him while IGNORING the virus completely. HE CANNOT HAVE BOTH! Does dumb cluck KNOW?

The dumb cluck duck BEGS white suburban women to LIKE him while IGNORING the virus completely. HE CANNOT HAVE BOTH! Does dumb cluck KNOW?

The virus devastation is FRONT AND CENTER WITH EVERYONE EVERYWHERE excluding the dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers. He will tank VERY BIGLY. The numbers of ill and dying ar GROWING DAILY. We are told that the next 6-12 weeks will bring us to the DARKEST period in the pandemic. Meanwhile he does he ego hate virus rallies causing superspreading to exacerbate the spread the dying and the dead. Only his aodring worhippers think he is sane. Everone else KNOWS he is IN. Dim bulbs.

Posted - October 20, 2020


  • 33859
    They love scare tactics....remember we were supposed to have 400,000 deaths before the election.  
      October 20, 2020 2:40 PM MDT