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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Decades ago Physicist Carl Sagan said "we are made of star stuff". Romantic and mysterious I thought. But what is star stuff?

Decades ago Physicist Carl Sagan said "we are made of star stuff". Romantic and mysterious I thought. But what is star stuff?



Organic compounds make up cells and other structures of organisms and carry out life processes. CARBON is an essential element of life.

To break it down further the human body is 65% oxygen 18.5% carbon 9.5% hydrogen 3.3 % nitrogen totaling 96.3 %. The rest I guess are trace minerals.

Did YOU know humans are made of carbon? Without carbon life as we know it would not exist?

Know what a CARBON FOOTPRINT is? The measure of impact human activities have on the amount of CARBON DIOXIDE produced. Carbon dioxide is not a good thing apparently. How do we minimize its existence if we ourselves are made of it? Confusing. I didn't know. Now that I do I have no idea what to do with that information.

Posted - October 23, 2020
