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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How important is precision to you? Knowing precisely when or where or whom or how? "Soon"? "In a certain period of time"? "Any day now"?

How important is precision to you? Knowing precisely when or where or whom or how? "Soon"? "In a certain period of time"? "Any day now"?

There was a restaurant not too far from where we live  that had sign affixed to it which read


Don'tcha just love it? Know how long it took to reach SOONISH?  FIVE YEARS. Now my understanding of "soon" is much shorter than that but if you add an ISH perhaps that upside downs it? Anyway it's open now and doing great business since it is located on a corner with a gas station just before you reach a freeway on ramp! JACK IN THE BOX! It did open.

Posted - October 24, 2020


  • 3719
    There is a difference between "precision" and "accuracy" but I forget what it is;  although they are used loosely as synonyms.

    It is important to me when it needs to be - catching a bus, meeting a medical or other appointment, wanting to listen to a specific radio programme.

    Otherwise... errr, no. Five minutes here or there is of no real account to me, most of the time.

    I do like that restaurant's honesty though, and I'm pleased it's flourishing after all the delays! :-)  
      October 25, 2020 3:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    How about "never"? The dumb cluck duck has been telling us how wondrous fair the Republican health care plan is for YEARS. How it will be much much cheaper and much much better and it will be rolled out "soon". We are still waiting. Five minutes is irrelevant. Today, tomorrow or never? A horse of a different color. Imprecision covers the a** of the liar. "soon" "Any day now" and my favorite dumb cluck duckism? "In a certain period of time". Precise or accurate matters not wordwise. If there is a difference it escapes me. I like people to speak with precision. Accurately. Or shut up. Sigh. Thank you for your reply Durdle. I LIKE TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I CAN COUNT ON. Don't you? :)
      October 26, 2020 2:27 AM MDT