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Any BIBLICAL SCHOLARS out there? Trying to get info through Google is well nigh impossible. Ever TRY?

Here is what I found. Not enlightening just frustrating

The Catholic Church removed 14 books from the Bible
 Martin Luther removed 7 books from the Bible

Over all 75 books were removed from the original Bible

Women were mentioned by name 5.5-8% of the time. Women were not held in high esteem. They were relegated to second class.

The political leanings of a bazillion American religions are listed. 7 out of 10  Mormons vote Republican. The most faithful Democrats religionwise are the AFRICAN AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH and the NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENT.

How and why does POLITICS rear its UGLY head in religion?

One would hope that GOD is apolitical but no. Not nearly so. Nothing is sacrosanct or revered apart from the politics of the "true believer". Bah humbug balderdash and baloney!

There will never be separation of church and state. Politics is too powerful and religion is just another tool to use to sell what the politicians demand. Snakes are prevalent within. Slimy toads and other icky things are there within damaging damaging damaging. The cloak of "religion" is supposed to elevate and sanctify. It defiles.

SHAME on those who politicize their religion.

Posted - October 28, 2020
