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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » If ya wanna know what someone's gonna do look at what he's done, not what he says he's gonna do. Per Obama. Duh! Right?

If ya wanna know what someone's gonna do look at what he's done, not what he says he's gonna do. Per Obama. Duh! Right?

For those poor souls who seriously believe the billionaire Trump is gonna care for them and do for them instead of  crony wealthy friends, well, they better take a tranquilizer. He is 70 and selfish. They think THEY can make him change his spots? That rigid old leopard? What makes them think they're are so special?

Posted - October 14, 2016


  • 3191
    Just like Hillary is 68 (69 later this month) and selfish.  She isn't about to change her spots, either and will certainly be looking out for her GS buddies and not the average Joe.  Duh!
      October 14, 2016 10:04 AM MDT

  •     >>>>>DUH!<<<<<    
      October 14, 2016 10:43 AM MDT

  • 691
    Rich people believe that hillary is going to take care of them more and donate to her.  So do the banks. So does Saudia Arabia and Qatar while they fund ISIS and she knows they fund ISIS.  If you want to know what she will do then look at what she has done and that is accepted million and millions from banks and foreign companies and mishandled classified information and deleted 33,000 email. Hillary has proven she cannot be trusted in a government position while trump is still blank slate in that regard.  Hillary has been involved with scandals her entire time in politics.
      October 14, 2016 10:53 AM MDT

  • 380
    Hillary cares so much for women, gays that she takes money from countries that oppress women and kill gays.
      October 15, 2016 5:45 AM MDT

  • 380
    What about Hillary? Who tells the banks, wall street one thing in private, but different for the public. Or her so-called free college? Pay for it  by taxing the rich more. Not possible. Her massive spending will hurt us all.
      October 14, 2016 12:06 PM MDT

  • 691
    She said that idea was indefensible until she decided it was her idea and then a good idea.
      October 14, 2016 2:00 PM MDT