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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So your rights are infringed when you are required to wear a mask? Anyone at any time can COMMIT SUICIDE. Let them die. Who cares?

So your rights are infringed when you are required to wear a mask? Anyone at any time can COMMIT SUICIDE. Let them die. Who cares?


So attacking someone whose job it is to KEEP YOU ALIVE is illogical. An excuse to murder is all it is.

You want to die? Go ahead. I won't try to stop you. You don't value life. I do. If you kill yourself it's no skin off my nose. If you don't value life why should I  care? I DON'T.

So stop whining about losing your freedom by being required to wear a mask.

Do you realize what a jack** you are? Just do the deed. Kill yourself and stop whining.

Posted - October 31, 2020


  • 549
    Hi Rosie,
    Hope you are keeping well.
    As I understand it, there is a broad scientific consensus that wearing a mask will prevent the wearer, if already infected, from breathing out Covid droplets into his or her surroundings. But that they are not so effective at preventing an uninfected person from breathing in infected droplets. If this is correct, the main benefits of my wearing a mask will be: (i) to stop me transmitting the virus to others, *if* I am already infected and (ii) to set a good example, normalise mask-wearing and encourage others, who *may* be infected, to do the same.

    So people who refuse to wear masks in circumstances where it is recommended are endangering others, first and foremost. But they are also indirectly endangering themselves because they are promoting the idea that face-coverings are unnecessary or pointless, which may ultimately mean that fewer people will wear them, and will as a consequence become spreaders.

    I'm writing this from the UK, where face coverings are NOT mandatory in outdoor settings - they have been compulsory in shops, and on trains or buses since May - but I have noticed a big increase lately in people wearing them whilst walking around town. I was in town today to get my hair cut, the majority of people were wearing masks or shields outdoors even though they are not compelled to be law. So, if science promotes the message that something is good, then the message will usually filter through to people eventually. Perhaps America is different because there is much more an "anti-expert" mentality among a section of the population.

    Happy Saturday!
      October 31, 2020 7:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi Rev! So nice to see you. Thank you for dropping by. Thank you also for an informative and thoughtful reply from your neck of the woods. I now have both mask and face shield. My sister wears both when she goes out. I will give that a try. Our darkest days lie ahead according to our experts. On Friday there were 98,583 NEW COVID CASES detected in the USA. Same day the dumb cluck duck says "we are turning the corner". He also says doctors are getting richer by talking about COVID. In other words they are lying to make money. Your country is twice blessed to not have one like him messing up everything. Also sadly I just read today that states ARE NOT EMPLOYING any guidelines despite knowing what lies ahead. The dumb cluck duck has attacked science viciously relentlessly and his dumb cluck duck quacks believe him. So we are behind the 8 ball. Glad you aren't. So far Jim and I are holding our own. I'm now 83 and he will be 85 in a few days. HIGH RISK. Meanwhile around us the vast half-a**ed dumb cluck duck quacks go maskless butt to butt as they mock and ridicule us. Imagine that? Take care and STAY SAFE AND HAPPY SATURDAY TO THEE AND THINE m'dear! :)
      October 31, 2020 8:24 AM MDT