Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many of you would feel comfy having a dentist remove a cancerour tumor from your brain? Oh you wouldn't? You'd prefer a BRAIN SURGEON?

How many of you would feel comfy having a dentist remove a cancerour tumor from your brain? Oh you wouldn't? You'd prefer a BRAIN SURGEON?

But you love having a head picture taker like scott atlas controlling all decisions that an EPIDEMIOLOGIST SHOULD BE MAKING? A head picture taker knows what about pandemics? Diddly crap. But you're real good with it because the dumb cluck duck didn't like what the top epidemiologist in the world told him so he shopped around for a Dr. of anything who would tell him what he wanted to hear. Ah. Another. question emanates.

Posted - November 2, 2020
