Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» This election is not about Joe and the duck. It is about GOD and satan. GOOD and evil. TRUTH and lies. KIND and cruel. You didn't know?
Hahahahahaha. I'd be crying in my beer were I drinking it m'dear. Yes. I do. And SO DO YOU and SO DO OTHERS OF OUR ILK. But you know that. Sigh. How do you think today will wrap up? Ballpark opining? Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Election Day Tuesday 2020 in the USA! :)
"When you are in trouble and you don't know what to do give a little whistle..give a little whistle". Whistiling is something I can't do. Can you? Some folks are gifted whistlers. I wonder what it takes? Setting that aside by now you know the duck has declared victory and wnats all further counting STOPPED. He is already planning to appeal to the Supremes to make him legally president. I wonder how that is going to go? We are in a very bad place. Even if Joe wins. :"What a revoltin' development". Don't know if you ever listened to The Life of Riley on radio with William Bendix. He'd say "my head is made up"! I always laughed at that. Why not his mind? Well the heads of dumb cluck duck wuacks are made up. Can't unmake a head I guess. I'll ask. Thank you for your reply tom! :)
Hmm. I think in general guys are better whistlers than gals though of course there are always exceptions. Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Thursday to thee and thine! :)