Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Long ago and far away I dreamed a dream one day and now that dream is here beside me." What dreams did you dream that came true?

"Long ago and far away I dreamed a dream one day and now that dream is here beside me." What dreams did you dream that came true?

Any dreams you are still working on having come true?

Posted - November 6, 2020


  • 44748
    I never had any dreams. I just took what life gave me and did what I could with that.
      November 6, 2020 2:12 PM MST

  • 113301
    Me too I think. I cannot remember ever striving for anything beyond school and doing all my homework. I LOVED school. I LOVED learning. I still do. But I was never AMBITIOUS about anything. Things just dropped in my lap and I took advantage of them. I started out in a typical girly job. File Clerk. Then secretary which they fancied up to "administrative assistant" then slowly by slowly I was drawn to accounting. i ended up as an Internal Auditor which I adored. I lucked out. Things just broke for me and it was almost effortless on my part. I am not competitive. In fact I abhor everything about it. So maybe what you describe as yours is what is mine as well. Take what comes our way and make the most of it. Thank you for your reply E! :)
      November 7, 2020 2:19 AM MST

  • 44748
    One of my choices was easy...join the Navy or go to 'Nam.
      November 7, 2020 12:06 PM MST