Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We FIRMLY believe in ALWAYS having the horse pull the cart..not the other way around. What does that mean. WE START OFF WITH THE FACTS! OK?

We FIRMLY believe in ALWAYS having the horse pull the cart..not the other way around. What does that mean. WE START OFF WITH THE FACTS! OK?

Joe Biden to date   290 electoral college votes   75,196,516 POPULAR VOTES
His opponent to date  214 electoral college votes  70,803, 881 popular votes

Now I expect if there are still votes out there to be counted those numbers will change but not appreciably. Not enough to change the winner and the one who didn't win.

Now we extrapolate from those facts to date using a well-known phrase

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Who said that?

Check out MATTHEW 12:22-28

Jesus is speaking

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself will not stand"

We are divided. But we are not doomed to fall apart and cease to exist. We have the option of not staying so divided. We have the option, choice, free will of coming together ENOUGH to keep standing. We are never going to agree on everything. The good news is...WE DON'T HAVE TO. We just have to agree enough on the important things. We did before. We can do it again if only we will.

Our choice. What will that choice be?.

Posted - November 8, 2020
