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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Loyal to the end liddle billy barfbarr has ORDERED federal prosecuters to investigate allegations of fraud in the election process. PROOF?

Loyal to the end liddle billy barfbarr has ORDERED federal prosecuters to investigate allegations of fraud in the election process. PROOF?

So far there is none.

Rest assured "they" are currently very busy planting it manufacturing it promulgating. Seeding pieces of gold here and there to make it appear they struck gold.

You knew the person who lost would never go quietly. You knew the person who lost would demand a fight at every level and lawsuits and charges and accusations and deliberate misrepresentations just as he always has does will.

You KNEW what was coming. If you didn't prepare that's all on you.

Even under the most dire circumstances everyone always reverts to type.

The billy barfbarr INJUSTICE DEPARTMENT is alive and well and kicking and screaming and shouting and crying.

It will have its way or there will be he** to pay.

Rudy G will be on board. Tucker Carlson seems to have edged out Sean Hannity as a the golden boy. They will all gather together to push this agenda each doing his/her part to make SURE the "evidence" is found.

SIGH. It is boringly predictable but then some people are born to bore.

Posted - November 10, 2020
